SKU: CAV920794
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Pages: 206
Horse Care and Management covers all aspects of horse care and stable management. It has been written by two highly experienced and knowledgeable authors both of whom have been involved with horses for many years.
An introductory chapter gives a brief history of the horse and describes the equine species.
The chapter then goes on to look at the principal breeds of horse and pony and also at conformation, markings and life expectancy.
The authors write about basic skills such as routine observation, approaching a horse in the stable, leading in-hand and catching a loose horse. They consider the duties of the groom, the design and construction of the stable, the efficient management of tack and feed rooms, the correct methods of mucking out, grooming and clipping.
Saddlery and clothing are described in detail along with comprehensive chapters on feeding, grassland management and farriery. There are also chapters on stable vices and remedies and veterinary matters.
The book is fully illustrated with line drawings and photographs and contains a useful glossary of equestrian terms.
Horse Care and Management will be of use to all who are involved in the management of horses whether they are a student, in charge of one horse or running a commercial establishment.